Thursday, April 24, 2008

Lunch Ladies

A while back I signed up to host a lunch group at my house, long before I made plans to go to Pennsylvania. So today I had about 25 people over for lunch. I just did a pot luck so there was lots of yummy food. It was lots of fun, but with all those people (about 10 kids the rest adults) there was quite a mess, so thanks Kelli for helping me get my house back in order. Now I am just so tired that I just want to sit and watch my recorded American Idol from last night, but alas I must pack and go visiting teaching. We leave in the morn to go to PA so it will be a busy night getting everything ready. If I do not blog while I'm gone, there will be lots to update you on when I return, so until next time...


Kelli said...

And let me say it was DEE-LISH. Were there really 25 people there? It was fun. And I only cheated once or twice. But I couldn't help myself. I worked off those extra calories by sweeping!
Have a great time in PA. I hope you have fun.

J.J. said...

Have lots and lots of fun. That was so great of you to do lunch right before you were leaving, your amazing. Can't wait to hear how your trip went.

Zoe said...

Wow, you are brave! How is Pennsylvania? I hope that you guys are having fun!

Aaron said...

Hi! Nice to see you here. (It's the artist formerly known as A. Adams at T2) I found your page on someone else's page (can't remember who now) and thought I would say hey. The kids look adorable and it looks like you are as talented and wonderful as ever. If you are interested at all in what I am up to these days my page is

See ya!