On Friday Sydney had her 2 month doctor appointment. She had to get 4 shots and she did not love that, it was a rough day. We did find out that she weighs just about 11 lbs (she started at 9 lbs 3 oz, so she really hasn't gained that much). She is 23.75 inches long, very tall and skinny. My dreams of having a chubby baby girl are out the door.
Speaking of dreams, mine have been great. On Mother's Day Sydney decided to sleep through the night (what a great gift, thanks), and she has continued with this new found talent ever since (except one congested night). She typically sleeps from 9pm to 7 am, I love her. Her temperment is overall pretty good (of course she has her moments, don't we all).
She started smiling a few weeks ago, and she is especially happy first thing in the morning. I tried to get a picture of her smiling, but no such luck, you'll have to settle for not crying. I haven't been that great about taking pictures, I thought I would be better, I definetly need to start doing better, and that will be my goal. So at 3 months expect more pictures.