Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back to Zion and More

We went back to St. George this weekend. Since we purchased the National Parks pass, we decided to take another day trip to Zion. We had a lot of fun hiking, but had to limit ourselves because we had all 4 kids with us. Here are some pictures.

Some family photos

We also spent a lot of time at the pool. I really need to find an indoor swimming lesson for Noah, because the kid has no fear when it comes to the water. He is crazy. Tanner is finally getting to a point where he can swim without a life jacket and I don't worry the whole time. Isaac thinks he can swim without a life jacket, but he most definetly can not.

Like I said NO FEAR

One day we went to Sand Hollow to do some boating. I have extreme fears of my kids drowning, so this is not a relaxing thing for me. But everyone got out on the tube (except for Sydney) and Kevin did some wake boarding. Isaac is a little daredevil on the boat. He was very excited to get on the tube all by himself, unfortunatly the front of the tube went under and kind of flipped him off, this kind of scared him (and me as well).

On Moday Kevin hung out with the kids at the pool and I went shopping and got a pedicure. What more could a gal ask for. This was a fun holiday weekend. We really enjoyed our time with the Jacobsons.

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