Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First Day of School and other stuff.

Tanner and Isaac started school on the 24th of August and look at me finally getting pictures up. (I am just learning how to do these photo collages in Picassa, so forgive me if I keep using them.) Tanner started 3rd grade and Isaac started 1st. They are both enjoying school, and mom is enjoying getting back in to routines. Noah will begin preschool next week, which he is also very excited about.

Life has been busy here lately. I was recently called as YW president so that in and of itself has been busy, but we also had a big fundraiser that we did. We made about 600 cupcakes. Everything turned out well and I am happy to have that out of the way. I am also over the Elementary School carnival, which is run by the PTA. Our goal is to raise $13,000 to run all the school programs. We have carnival games, big blow-ups, rides, dinner, concessions and a basket auction. I have a lot of good people helping me with this, which has been fantastic, but I will be happy when September 10th is over and the carnival is done!
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1 comment:

Lanell said...

Wow!! We are going to be out of town for the carnival this year, but good luck it is a lot of work. I just got called to first counselor in YW so we will have to help each other with ideas! You will do an amazing job and do so many fun things!