Monday, December 22, 2008


I have promised my kids that we could go to see Santa at the mall. The weather has been bad or other things are going on, so we haven't been able to make it. So this morning we woke up (and although it had snowed in the night) it was not snowing. So we went to Wal-Mart to get groceries and then off to the mall. While at the mall it started snowing and by the time I left 30 minutes later the roads were horrible, so we said a prayer and drove very slowly. The kids were excited to see Santa, so it was worth it in the end.

Isaac Noah and Tanner with Santa

Isaac Noah and Tanner on Christmas Sunday


Saskia said...

Was the Santa picture taken at the Provo Town Center?? We were just there this morning, too! I'm surprised we didn't run into you crazy is that?!?

Amara said...

I'm so proud of you that you made it there. I may be the lame mom (again) this year. We all went to the dentist this morning though (horrible horrible driving up to north Orem)

J.J. said...

Hey I love your christmas card, it was so fun to recieve in the mail. I hope you are feeling good, and have a great christmas.